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Data last fetched from CSSE Thursday 2020-03-26 8:13 am

Counties of Interest
county county land area sq mi county population county population / sq mi state tested
state population ( state tested / population ) X 1000
Higher is better
county positive cases
NY src
FL src
SC src
county positive cases / sq mi
Lower is better
( county positive cases / population ) x 1000
Lower is better
state hospital beds
state 65+ population
fulton, ny49555,531112.1861,40119,540,0003.14210.002020.0180152,75816%
montgomery, ny40350,219124.6161,40119,540,0003.14230.007440.0597452,75816%
orange, ny812381,951470.3861,40119,540,0003.1422470.304190.6466852,75816%
st. lucie, fl572321,128561.4111,27021,300,0000.52930.005240.0093455,38021%
florence, sc800136,885171.111,6615,080,0000.32710.001250.0073112,19218%
harford, md437244,826560.24338
Under reported!
Stopped reporting count of neg results 3/12
Actual rate is better.
Incomplete data from the state.